
What are Gum Diseases?

Many people do not know and wonder about the sources of gum disease. First of all, if we have bleeding while brushing our teeth or bleeding while brushing our teeth, we are facing gum disease. One of the biggest factors of gum disease is microbial dental plaque. When the tartar is viewed under a microscope, there are various bacteria inside. When these adhere to the tooth, the surrounding tissues are gradually damaged. Bleeding begins in the surrounding tissues.


About Gum Diseases

Many people do not know and wonder about the sources of gum disease. First of all, if we have bleeding while brushing our teeth or bleeding while brushing our teeth, we are facing gum disease.

One of the biggest factors of gum disease is microbial dental plaque. When the tartar is viewed under a microscope, there are various bacteria inside. When these adhere to the tooth, the surrounding tissues are gradually damaged. Bleeding begins in the surrounding tissues.

When the tartar is not cleaned, it accumulates more and adheres to the surface of the root. As it adheres to the root surface, the bone begins to dissolve. In advanced cases, with gingivitis and then ossitis, decay, as the situation progresses, the teeth begin to shake and the teeth become to be extracted. In case of gingival recession, the supporting tissue of the tooth decreases.

One of the biggest causes of gum disease is dental calculus. If you see any bleeding in our mouth, you know it is a sign of illness and requires treatment. If you see bleeding in the mouth, definitely consult your physician and act to resolve this bleeding.

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