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We can divide dental services into two as preventive dentistry and treatment practices. Preventive dentistry for children is a process that starts 6 months after the eruption of the first tooth and continues for life.
We can divide dental services into two as preventive dentistry and treatment practices. Preventive dentistry for children is a life-long process that starts 6 months after the eruption of the first tooth. Preventive dentistry practices are practices that require the cooperation of physicians and parents to protect the oral and dental health of the child and the whole family.
Preventive Dentistry in Childhood;
Regular dentist control,
Following tooth development,
To gain the habit of proper and regular tooth brushing,
To gain the habit of using the correct floss,
Caries risk assessment of the child and taking necessary precautions,
Fluorite applications,
Fissure sealants,
To gain proper nutritional habits,
Mouth guards to prevent sports injuries,
Detection and prevention of bad habits (finger-tongue sucking, nail biting, using a pacifier, etc.),
Preventive and stopping orthodontic treatment,
Getting the habit of brushing teeth: By removing the bacteria, the number of bacteria in the mouth can be reduced by 95%.
Hygiene education; informing individuals about oral health, behavioral training on correct hygiene habits, being directed to regular physician controls, etc.
Nutritional habits: Basic approach to nutrition in children; It is not about what not to eat, but about the description of what they can eat. Prevention of sugar consumption between meals, reducing the amount of sugar and sticky sugars, increasing the amount of water consumed, fruits and vegetables consumed may come.
Fissure Sealants: It can be defined as the process of covering the anatomical regions sensitive to decay and suitable for plaque accumulation with a material (resin-glass ionomer etc.). They are recommended applications for deep and risky fissure structures.
The development levels of societies are evaluated not only by their economies or per capita income, but also by considering the criteria of education and health. Oral and dental health is a factor that directly affects an individual's body health. Along with the health problems that are given priority, when the oral and dental health, which is a part of the body health, is not protected, it brings many diseases. As in all health issues, it is generally accepted to focus on preventive measures rather than treatment in diseases related to oral and dental health. Since tooth decay and gum diseases are diseases that can be exposed for a lifetime, preventive methods should also continue for life. With the effective application of preventive methods, it is possible to reduce tooth decay and gum diseases.